Tuesday, January 14, 2025

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April 24 – I Go Before

You can never perish, My children, because within you is the Life of Life. The Life that down the ages has kept My servants, in peril, in adversity, in sorrow.

Once you are born of the Spirit, that is your Life’s breath. You must never doubt, never worry, but step by step, the way to freedom must be trodden. See that you walk it with Me.

This means no worry, no anxiety, but it does not mean no effort. When My Disciples told Me that they had toiled all night and taken nothing, I did not fill the boat with fishes without effort on their part. No! My Command stood. “Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.”

Their lives were endangered, the ship nearly sank, the help of their fellows had to be summoned, and there were broken nets to mend. Any one of these troubles might have made them feel My help was not for them. And yet as they sat on the shore and mended those nets, they would see My Love and Care.

Man rises by effort

The man who reaches the mountain height by the help of train or car has learned no climber’s lesson. But remember this does not mean no Guide — this does not mean that My Spirit is not supplying wisdom and strength. How often, when sometimes you little know it, do I go before you to prepare the way, to soften the heart here, to overrule there.

“And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish.” John 10:28

Thank you for your time and for visiting HelpRescue.org. Please Donate Here To Help The Poor, and Lead Them To Christ.

Or, if you’d like to donate to God’s outreach through cashapp you can help at https://cash.app/$BroChrisVaughn We’re helping provide food, shelter resources and warm clothing for the homeless — especially the mentally challenged. They can’t help their mental illness, we’re there to help and care for them. You will be richly rewarded by God for your Donation.

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