Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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August 4 – Eternal Life

Oh Jesus, we love Thee so and long to serve Thee.

My children, you are both to do mighty things for Me. Glories and wonders unfold. Life is one glorious whole.

Draw into your beings more and more this wonderful Eternal Life. It is the flow of the Life Eternal through spirit, mind, and body, that cleanses, heals, restores, renews youth, and passes on from you to others, with the same miracle-working power.

“And this is Life Eternal that they may know thee. . . and Jesus Christ, whom Thou has sent.” So seek by constant contact to know Me more and more.

Make Me the one abiding Presence of your day of which you are conscious all the time. Seek to do less and to accomplish more, to achieve more. Doing is action. Achievement is successful action.

Remember that Eternal Life is the only lasting life, so that all that is done without being done in the Power of My Spirit, My Life, is passing. All done in that Spirit-Life is undying.

“I give unto to them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.”  So Eternal Life means security too, safety. Dwell increasingly in the consciousness of that security, that safety.

He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.  1 John 5:12

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Or, if you’d like to donate to God’s outreach through cashapp you can help at$BroChrisVaughn We’re helping provide food, shelter resources and warm clothing for the homeless — especially the mentally challenged. They can’t help their mental illness, we’re there to help and care for them. You will be richly rewarded by God for your Donation.

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