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God Calling – May

May 1 – Delay Is Not Denial

Read the lessons of Divine control in Nature’s laws.

Nature is but the expression of Eternal Thought in Time. Study the outward form – grasp the Eternal Thought, and if you can read the thoughts of the Father, then indeed you know Him.

Leave Me out of nothing. Love all My ways with you. Know indeed that “All is well.”  Delay is but the wonderful and all-loving restraint of your Father – not reluctance, not desire to deny – but the Divine control of a Father who can scarcely brook the delay.

Delay has to be – sometimes.  Your lives are so linked up with those of others, so bound by circumstances that to let your desire have instant fulfillment might in many cases cause another, as earnest prayer, to go unanswered.

But think for a moment of the Love and thoughtful care that seek to harmonize and reconcile all your desires and longings and prayers.

Delay is not denial – not even withholding. It is the opportunity for God to work out your problems and accomplish your desires in the most wonderful way possible for you.

Oh! children, trust Me. Remember that your Maker is also your Servant, quick to fulfill, quick to achieve, faithful in accomplishment.  Yes.  All is well.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are
my ways higher than
 your ways, and my thoughts
than your thoughts.  Isaiah 55:9

May 2 – Souls That Smile

To conquer adverse circumstances, conquer yourselves. The answer to the desire of My Disciples to follow Me was “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

To accomplish much, be much.  In all cases the doing, to be well-doing, must be the mere unconscious expression of the being.

Fear not, fear not, all is well. Let the day be full of little prayers to Me, little turnings toward me. The smiles of the soul at one it loves.

Men call the Father the First Cause. Yes! See Him as the First Cause of every warm ray, every color in the sunset, every gleam on the water, every beautiful flower, every planned pleasure.

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving 
one another, even as God for Christ’s sake 
hath forgiven you.  Ephesians 4:32

May 3 – Kill Self Now

Self dethroned – that is the lesson, but in its place put Love for Me, knowledge of Me.

Self, not only dethroned, but dead. A dead self is not an imprisoned self.  An imprisoned self is more potent to harm. In all training – (in Mine of you, and in yours of others) – let self die.

But for each blow to the life of self you must at the same time embrace and hold fast the new Life, Life with Me.

It is not a dead self that men have to fear, but a thwarted, captive, imprisoned self.  That self is infinitely more self-centered than the self-allowed full play.  But to you, My children, I teach a higher science-law than even freedom of the self.  I teach death to the self.  No repressions, just death.  Petty self-life exchanged for Divine Life

And now I can make more clear to you what I would say about forgiveness of injuries.

But what you do not see is that you, the self in you, can never forgive injuries.  The very thought of them means self in the foreground, then the injury, instead of appearing less, appears greater. It is one of My commands that as you seek My forgiveness, so you must forgive.

No, My children, as all true Love is ofGod and is God, so all true forgiveness is of God and is God. The self cannot forgive. Kill self.

Cease trying to forgive those who fretted or wronged you.  It is a mistake to think about it.  Aim at killing the self now – in your daily life, and then, and not until then, you will find there is nothing that even remembers injury, because the only one injured, the self, is dead.

As long as it recurs to your mind you deceive yourself if you think it forgiven.

Many deceive themselves in this.

Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with
him, that the body of sin might  
be destroyed, that
henceforth we should not serve sin.  Romans 6:6

May 4 – Share With Me

Delight in My Love. Try to live in the rapture of the Kingdom.

Claim big things. Claim great things. Claim Joy and Peace and freedom from care. Joy in Me.

I am your Lord, your Creator. Remember too that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. Your Creator, when My thought about the world called it into being – your Creator as much, too, today, when I can, by loving thought for you, call into being all you need on the material plane.

Joy in Me, trust in Me, share all life with Me, see Me in everything, rejoice in me. Share all with Me as a child shares its pains and cuts and griefs and newfound treasures of joys and little work with its Mother.

And give Me the joy of sharing all with you.

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear;
because fear hath torment.
1 John 4:18

May 5 – Let Me Choose

My loved ones. Yes, with the heart, not the head, men should think of Me, and then worship would be instinctive.

Breathe in My very Spirit in pure air and fervent desire.

Keep the eye of your spirit ever upon Me, the window of your soul open towards Me. You have ever to know that all things are yours – that what is lovely I delight to give you.

Empty your mind of all that limits. Whatever is beautiful you can have. Leave more and more the choice to Me. You will have no regrets.

Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, 
and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; 
so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God.  Psalm 123:2

May 6 – Sublime Audacity

The way is long and weary. It is a weary world. So many today are weary. “Come unto Me, … and I will give you rest.”

My children, who range yourselves under My flag, you must see that on it are inscribed those words “The Son of Man.”

Whatever the world is feeling, I must feel, I – the son of Man. You are My followers – so the weariness of man today must be shared by you – the weary and heavy-laden must come to you, and find that rest that you found in Me.

My children, My followers must be prepared not to sit on My right hand and My left, but to drink of the cup that I drink of.

Poor world – teach it that there is only one cure for all its ills – Union with Me. Dare to suffer, dare to conquer, be filled with My sublime audacity.  Remember that. Claim the unclaimable.

Just what the world would think impossible can always be yours.  Remember, My children, sublime audacity.

And whosever shall give to drink unto one of these
little ones a cup of cold water … verily I say
unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.
Matthew 10:42

May 7 – Against the Tide

The oarsman, trusting in Me, does not lean on his oars and drift with the tide, trusting to the current.

Nay, more often – once I have shown the way – it is against the tide you must direct all your effort.  And even when difficulties come, it is by your effort that they will be surmounted.  But always strength and the Joy in the doing you can have through Me.

My fishermen-disciples did not find the fishes ready on the shore in their nets.  I take man’s efforts and bless that.  I need man’s effort – he needs My blessing. This partnership it is that means success.

For it is God which worketh in you both to will
and to do of his good pleasure.  Philippians 2:13

May 8 – The Rest of God

I lead you. The way is clear. Go forward unafraid. I am beside you. Listen, listen, listen to My Voice. My Hand is controlling all.

Remember that I can work through you better when you are at rest. Go very slowly, very quietly from one duty to the next – taking the time to rest and pray between.

Do not be too busy. Take all in order as I say. The Rest of God is in a realm beyond all man’s activities. Venture there often, and you will indeed find Peace and Joy.

All work that results from resting with God is miracle-work.  Claim the power to work miracles, both of you.

Know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Nay, more, know that you can do all things through Christ who rests you.

And in that day there shall be a root of
Jesse … and his rest shall be glorious.  Isaiah 11:10

May 9 – Harmony Within

Follow My Guidance.  Be afraid to venture on your own as a child fears to leave its mother’s side. Doubt of your own wisdom, and reliance on Mine, will teach you humility.

Humility is not the belittling of the self.  It is forgetting the self.  Nay more, forgetting the self, because you are remembering Me.

You must not expect to live in a world where all is harmony.  You must not expect to live where others are in unbroken accord with you.  It is your task to maintain your own heart peace in adverse circumstances. Harmony is always yours when you strain your ear to catch Heaven’s music.

Doubt always your power or wisdom to put things right, ask Me to right all as you leave it to Me, and go on your way loving and laughing. I am wisdom. Only My wisdom can rightly decide anything – settle any problem. So rely on Me. All is well.

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand 
of God, that he may exalt you in due time.  1 Peter 5:6

May 10 – Calm – Not Speed

“In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.”  Isaiah 30:15

All agitation is destructive of good.  All calm is constructive of good, and at the same time destructive of evil.

When man wants evil destroyed so often he rushes to action.  It is wrong. First be still and know that I am God. Then act only as I tell you. Always calm with God. Calm is trust in action. Only trust, perfect trust can keep one calm.

Never be afraid of any circumstances or difficulties that help you to cultivate this calm. As the world, to attain, has to learn speed, you, to attain, have to learn calm.  All great work for Me is done first in the individual soul of the worker.

Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths,
where is the good way, 
and walk therein, and
ye shall find rest for your souls.  Jeremiah 6:16

May 11 – The Divine Third

When I have led you through these storms there will be other words for you, other messages – other guidance.

So deep is your friendship and so great your desire to love and follow and serve Me that soon, when this time of difficulty is over, to be alone together will always mean to be shut in with Me.

There are few friendships in the world like that and yet I taught, when on earth, as I have you both, the power of the two together.

And now tonight I have more to say to you.  I say that the time is coming, is even now here, when those who visit you two together will know that I am the Divine Third in your friendship.

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth
as touching any thing  
that they shall ask, it shall be done for
them of my Father which is in heaven.  Matthew 18:19

May 12 – Thrill of Protection

Turn out all thoughts of doubt and of trouble. Never tolerate them for one second. Bar the windows and doors of your souls against them as you would bar your home against a thief who would steal in to take your treasures.

What greater treasures can you have than Peace and Rest and Joy? And these are all stolen from you by doubt and fear and despair.

Face each day with Love and Laughter. Face the storm.

Joy, Peace, Love, My great gifts.  Follow Me to find all three. I want you to feel the thrill of protection and safety Now. Any soul can feel this in a harbor, but real joy and victory come to those alone who sense these when they ride a storm.

Say, “all is well.” Say it not as a vain repetition. Use it as you use a healing balm for cut or wound, until the poison is drawn out; then, until the sore is healed, then until the thrill of fresh life floods your being.

All is well.

O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?  Matthew 14:31

May 13 – Never Judge

What Joy follows self-conquest!  You cannot conquer and control others, either of you, until you have completely conquered yourself.

Can you see yourselves absolutely unmoved? Think of Me before the mocking soldiers, being struck, spat upon, and answering never a word – never a word.  Try to see that as Divine Power. Remember by that Power of perfect silence, perfect self-control, you can alone prove your right to govern.

Never judge. The heart of man is so delicate, so complex, only its Maker can know it. Each heart is so different, actuated by different motives, controlled by different circumstances, influenced by different sufferings.

How can one judge of another? Leave to Me the unraveling of the puzzles of life. Leave to Me the teaching of understanding. Bring each heart to Me, its Maker, and leave it with Me. Secure in the certainty that all that is wrong I can set right.

Judge not, that ye be not judged.  Matthew 7:1

May 14 – The Love of a Lover

Remember that a loving Master delights in the intimacy of demands made, as much as He desires His followers and friends to delight in the tender intimacy of His demands.

Only as the result of frequent converse with Me, of much prayer to Me, of listening to and obedience to My behests comes that intimacy that makes My followers dare to approach Me as friend to friend.

Yield in all things to My tender insistence but remember I yield too to yours.  Ask not only the big things I have told you, but ask the little tender signs of Love.  Remember that I came as the world’s Great Lover.  Never think of My Love as only a tender compassion and forgiveness.  It is that, but it is also the Love of a Lover, who shows His Love by countless words and actions and by tender thought.

In each of you, too, remember there is God. It is always given to man to see in his fellow man those aspirations and qualities he himself possesses.  So only I, being really God, can recognize the God in man.  Remember this, too, in your relation to others.

Your motives and aspirations can only be understood by those who have attained the same spiritual level.  So do not vainly, foolishly, expect from others understanding.  Do not misjudge them for not giving it. Yours is a foreign language to them.

Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest, where
 thou makest thy flock to rest at noon.  Song of Solomon 1:7

May 15 – First The Spiritual

What can I say to you?  Your heart is torn.  Then remember “He bindeth up the broken hearts.”  Just feel the tenderness of My Hands as I bind up your wounds.

You are very privileged, both of you.  I share My plans and secrets with you and make known to you My Purposes, while so many have to grope on.

Try to rest on these words.  “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”  Then strive not for them, but untiringly, for the things of My Kingdom.

It is so strange to you mortals, you would think the material things first and then grow into the knowledge of Spiritual things. Not so in My Kingdom.  It is spiritual things first and then material. So to attain the material redouble your efforts to acquire the Spiritual.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath sent me to heal 
the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, … to
 set at liberty them that are bruised.  Luke 4:1

Now to Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.    Jude 1:24-25

May 16 – Pray and Praise

I will be much entreated because I know that only in that earnest supplication, and the calm trust that results, does man learn strength and gain peace.  Therefore I have laid that incessant, persistent pleading as a duty upon My disciples.

Never weary in prayer.  When one day man sees how marvelously his prayer has been answered, then he will deeply, so deeply, regret that he prayed so little.

Prayer changes all. Prayer re-creates.  Prayer is irresistible.  So pray, literally without ceasing.

Pray until you almost cease to pray, because trust has become so rock-like, and then pray on because it has become so much a habit that you cannot resist it.

And always pray until Prayer merges into Praise.  That is the only note on which true prayer should end.  It is the Love and Laughter of your attitude towards man interpreted in the Pray and Praise of your attitude towards God.

Men ought always to pray, and not to faint.  Luke 18:1

May 17 Sorrow into Joy

“Sorrow may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”

My bravest are those who can anticipate the morning and feel in the night of sorrow that underlying Joy that tells of confident expectations of the morning.

But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning
them which are asleep,  
that ye sorrow not, even as others
which have no hope. 1 Thessalonians 4:11

May 18 – New and Vital Power

“Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth.”   Not for merit was salvation, the promise was to all who looked.

To look is surely within the Power of everyone.  One look suffices. Salvation follows.

Look and you are saved from despair.  Look and you are saved from care. Look and you are saved from worry. Look, and into you there flows a peace beyond all understanding, a Power new and vital, a Joy wonderful indeed.

Look and keep looking. Doubt flees, Joy reigns, and Hope conquers.

Life, Eternal Life, is yours – revitalizing, renewing.

I am come that they might have life, and that they
might have it more abundantly.  John 10:10

May 19 – Rescued and Guided

Rest knowing all is so safe in My Hands. Rest is Trust. Ceaseless activity is distrust. Without the knowledge that I am working for you, you do not rest. Inaction then would be the outcome of despair.

My Hand is not shortened that it cannot save. Know that, repeat it, rely on it, welcome the knowledge, delight in it. Such a truth is a hope flung to a drowning man. Every repetition of it is one pull nearer shore and safety.

Let that illustration teach you a great truth.  Lay hold of the truth, pray it, affirm it, hold on to the rope.  How foolish are your attempts to save yourself, one hand on the  rope, and one making efforts to swim ashore!  You may relinquish your hold of the rope and hinder the rescuer – who has to act with the greater caution lest he lose you.

The storms and tempests are not all of life.  The Psalmist who said “All thy waves and thy billows are gone over me” wrote also “He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.”

Meditate upon that wonder – truth, the three steps safety, security, guidance.  (1) “He brought me up also out of an horrible pit” – Safety.  (2) “He set my feet upon a rock” – Security (3) “He established my goings” – GuidanceNo. 3 is the final stage when the saved soul trusts Me so entirely it seeks no more its own way but leaves all future plans to Me its Rescuer.

The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath
are the everlasting arms.  Deuteronomy 33:27

May 20 – Win Me – Win All

You will conquer.  The conquering spirit is never crushed.  Keep a brave and trusting heart. Face all your difficulties in the spirit of Conquest.

Rise to greater heights than you have known before. Remember where I am is Victory. Forces of evil, within and without you, flee at My Presence.

Win Me and all is won.  All.

Only be thou strong and very courageous. Joshua 1:7

May 21 – Fling It At My Feet

To see Me you must bring Me your cares and show Me your heart of Trust.  Then, as you leave your cares, you become conscious of My Presence.

This consciousness persisted in brings its reward of Me.  Through a mist of care no man may see My Face.  Only when the burden is flung at My Feet do you pass on to consciousness and spiritual sight.

Remember, obedience, obedience, obedience – the straight and narrow way into the Kingdom.

Not of you must it be said, even in lovingly tender reproach – “Why call ye Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not the things which I say.”

Character is chiseled into Beauty by the daily discipline and daily duties done.  For in many ways, My disciples must work out their own salvation, though this is not possible without My strength and Help, and without converse with Me.

Even for the Spiritual Life the training is different for different spirits.  The man who would fain live a life of prayer and meditation is thrust into the busy ways of life, and the busy man is bidden to rest and wait patiently for Me.  O joy, O rest, and in the busy ways be ever at peace.

“And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, 
and the lusts of other things entering in, 
choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.”  Mark 4:19

May 22 Command Your Lord

Lord, I claim Thy help.

Yes!  Claim, be constantly claiming.  There is a trust that waits long, and a trust that brooks no delay – that once convinced of the right of a course, once sure of God’s guidance, says with all the persistence of a child, “Now.”  “Make no long tarrying, oh, my God.”

You are no longer servants but friends.  A friend can command his friend – can know that all the friend, the true friend, has is his by right.  That does not mean an idle living at the expense of a friend, but claiming the friend’s means:  name, time, all that he has, when your supply is exhausted.

Friendship – true friendship, implies the right to appropriate.  And in God’s service is perfect freedom.  Heirs of God – you are joint heirs with Me in the inheritance.  We share the Father’s property. You have the same right to use and claim I have.  Use your right.  A beggar supplicates.  A son, a daughter, appropriates.

Small wonder when I see My children sitting before My House supplicating and waiting – that I leave them there until they realize how foolish such action, when they have only to walk into their Home and take.

This cannot be the attitude of all.  There must be first a definite realization of Sonship.

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire,
when ye pray, believe that ye receive them
and ye shall receive them.  Mark 11:24

May 23 Little Frets

Your lack of control is not due to the big burdens, but to your permitting the little frets and cares and burdens to accumulate.

If anything vex you deal with that and get that righted with Me before you allow yourself to speak to, or meet anybody, or to undertake any new duty.

Look upon yourself more as performing My errands and coming back quickly to Me to tell Me that message is delivered, that task done.

Then with no feeling of responsibility as to result (your only responsibility was to see the duty done) go out again, rejoicing at still more to do for My Sake.

Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines;
 for our vines have tender grapes. Song of Solomon 2:15

May 24 Abundance

How unseeing the world goes on!  How unknowing of your heartaches and troubles, your battles won, your conquests, your difficulties.

But be thankful, both of you, that there is One who knows, One who marks every crisis, every effort, every heartache.

For you both, who are not idle hearers, you must know that every troubled soul I tell you of, is one for you to help.  You do not help enough.  As you help, help will flow back and your circle of helpfulness will widen more and more, ever more and more.

Just feel that you are two of My disciples, present at the feeding of the five thousand, and that to you I hand out the food, and you pass it on, and ever more and more.  You can always say with so few loaves and fishes “We have only enough for our own needs.”  It was not only My Blessing, but the Passing-on of the disciples that worked the miracle.

Get a feeling of bounteous giving into your beings.  They were “all filled.”  There was a supply over.

I give with a large Hand and Heart.  Note the draught of fishes.  The net brake, the boat began to sink with the lavishness of My Gift.  Lose sight of all limitations.

Abundance is God’s Supply.  Turn out all limited thoughts.  Receive showers and in your turn – shower.

Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; 
but our sufficiency is of God.  2 Corinthians 3:5

May 25 Accomplish Anything

There will be no limit to what you can accomplish.  Realize that.  Never relinquish any task or give up the thought of any task because it seems beyond your power, only if you see it is not My Will for you.  This I command you.

Think of the tiny snowdrop-shoot in the hard ground.  No certainty even that when it has forced its weary way up, sunlight and warmth will greet it.

What a task beyond its power that must seem.  But the inner urge of Life within the seed compelling it, it carries out that task.  The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto this.

And Jesus said unto them … 
If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, … 
nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Matthew 17:20

May 26 Claim More 

You are doing your claiming as I have said, and soon you will see the result.  You cannot do this long without it being seen in the material.  It is an undying law.

You are at present children practicing a new lesson.  Practice – practice – soon you will be able to do it so readily.

You see others manifesting so easily, so readily demonstrating My Power.  But you have not seen the discipline that went before.  Discipline absolutely necessary before this Power is given to My disciples.  It is a further initiation.

You are feeling you have learnt so much that life cannot be a failure.  That is right, but others have to wait to see the outward manifestation in your lives before they realize this Spiritual Truth.

Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: 
ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.  John 16:24

May 27 Roots and Fruits   

Remember the lesson of the seed too in its sending a shoot down so that it may be rooted and grounded, while at the same time it sends a shoot up to be the plant and flower that shall gladden the world.

The two growths are necessary.  Without the strong root it would soon wither, as much activity fails for lack of growth in Me.  The higher the growth up the deeper must be the enrooting.

Many forget this and thus their work ceases to be permanent for Me.  Beware of the leaves and flowers without the strong root.

As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, 
so walk ye in him; Rooted and built up in him.  Colossians 2:6,7

May 28 Test Your Love

A great Love knows that in every difficulty, every trial, every failure, the presence of the loved one suffices.  Test your Love for Me by this.

Just to be with Me, just to know I am beside you – does that bring you Joy and Peace?  If not, then your Love for Me, and your realization of My Love, are at fault.

Then, if this be so, pray for more Love.

And be content with such things as ye have; 
for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.  Hebrews 13:5

May 29 Forget 

Regret nothing. Not even the sins and failures.  When a man views earth’s wonders from some mountain height he does not spend his time in dwelling on the stones and stumbles, the faints and failures, that marked his upward path.

So with you.  Breathe in the rich blessings of each new day – forget all that lies behind you.

Man is so made that he can carry the weight of twenty-four hours, no more.  Directly he weighs down with the years behind, and the days ahead, his back breaks.  I have promised to help you with the burden of today only, the past I have taken from you and if you, foolish hearts, choose to gather again that burden and bear it, then, indeed, you mock Me to expect Me to share it.

For weal or woe each day is ended.  What remains to be lived, the coming twenty-four hours, you must face as you awake.

A man on a march on earth carries only what he needs for that march.  Would you pity him if you saw him bearing too the overwhelming weight of the worn-out shoes and uniforms of past marches and years?  And yet, in the mental and spiritual life, man does these things.  Small wonder My poor world is heartsick and weary.

Not so must you act.

This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind … 
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of 
God in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 3:13,14

May 30 The Devil’s Death Knell   

Our Lord, we praise Thee.

Praise is the devil’s death knell.  Resignation, acceptance of My Will, obedience to it, have not the power to vanquish evil that praise has.

The joyful heart is my best weapon against all evil.  Oh! pray and praise.

You are learning your lesson.  You are being led out into a large place.  Go with songs of rejoicing.  Rejoice evermore.  Happy indeed if each day has its thrill of joy.

Talk to Me more during the day.  Look up into My Face – a look of Love, a feeling of security, a thrill of Joy at the sense of the nearness of My Presence – these are your best prayers.

Let these smooth the day’s work, then fear will vanish, and fear is the grim figure that turns aside success.

Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me. Psalm 50:23

May 31 Prayer Without Words

Lord, hear us, we pray.          

Hear and I answer.  Spend much time in prayer.  Prayer is of many kinds, but of whatever kind, prayer is the linking up of the soul and mind and heart to God.

So that if it is only a glance of faith, a look or word of Love, or confidence, and no supplication is expressed, it yet follows that supply and all necessary are secured.

Because the soul, being linked to God, united to Him, receives in and through Him all things.  And the soul, when in human form, needs too the things belonging to its habitation.

Pray without ceasing.  1 Thessalonians 5:17

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.    Jude 1:24-25

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