The proportion of adults who hold a biblical worldview has drastically fallen to a mere 4%. Dr. George Barna, the director of the Cultural Research Center, expresses deep concern over the findings of the American Worldview Inventory report.
According to Barna, the extent of this decline is much more significant than anticipated. Generally, religious beliefs tend to remain relatively stable and do not undergo significant changes. They are typically formed during one’s youth and remain relatively unchanged as one grows older.
However, crisis moments like the pandemic have the potential to bring about surprising shifts in people’s perspectives. The report reveals notable changes in individuals’ views on truth, their perception of God, their spiritual commitment, moral perspectives, and even their behaviors and attitudes towards religious practices such as attending church, reading the Bible, acknowledging sins, and seeking forgiveness. These changes have occurred on a considerable scale.
It is worth noting that these changes are not limited to the secular population alone. The report indicates that even among born-again Christians, there has been a decline in the percentage of those who believe that Jesus lived a sinless life (from 58% in 2020 to 44% at present), as well as a significant drop in the number of individuals who see a divine purpose for their lives (from 88% to 46%).
Barna emphasizes the urgent need for a thoughtful and strategic approach towards addressing worldview-related issues. He notes that parents and churches have been largely negligent in this regard, failing to take intentional action.
He further explains that the formation of an individual’s worldview occurs predominantly during childhood, with nearly all of it being established by the age of 13. This underscores the significance of early intervention and guidance.
Matt Brown, a digital evangelist and the founder of Think Eternity, concurs with Barna’s views. Brown emphasizes the crucial importance of adhering to Jesus’ teachings in the present circumstances. It has never been more critical to spread the message of the Gospel, to share the love of Jesus with those around us, and to disciple the next generation. Instilling a biblical worldview in the younger generation is of utmost significance.
Barna believes that the closure of churches during the pandemic, coupled with other policies, has left people feeling shaken and confused. Despite the discouraging statistics, he remains hopeful, noting that there is still an opportunity to make a difference. This is a favorable time for those who disciple others to address the pressing issues that weigh on people’s minds and hearts, avoiding complex theological discussions and focusing instead on the real struggles people face.
While the situation may seem disheartening or overwhelming, Brown suggests that starting small and holding fast to the truth can have a significant impact. Recognizing the need for individual action within our own circles, he encourages each person to fulfill their God-given purpose and responsibility. By speaking into the lives of family and friends, reminding them of their inherent purpose, and collectively taking such action, the declining statistics can be reversed.
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