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God Calling – July

July 1 – Attack Fear

Learn daily the sublime lesson of trust and calm in the midst of storm.  Whatever of sorrow or difficulty the day may bring My tender command to you is still the same —  Love and laugh. 

Love and Laughter, not a sorrowful resignation, mark real acceptances of My Will.  Leave every soul the braver and happier for having met you.  For children or youth, middle or old age, for sorrow, for sin, for all you may encounter in others, this should be your attitude. Love and Laugh. 

Do not fear. Remember how I faced the devil in the wilderness, and how I conquered with “the sword of the spirit which is the word of God.”  You too have your quick answer to every fear that evil may present — an answer of faith and confidence in me.  Where possible say it aloud.

The spoken word has power.  Look on every fear, not as a weakness on your part due to illness or worry, but as a very real temptation to be attacked and overthrown. 

And Moses said … Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation
of the Lord, which he will shew to you today.  Exodus 14:13

July 2  The Child-Spirit 

Does the way seem a stony one?  Not one stone can impede your progress. Courage.  Face the future, but face it only with a brave and happy heart.  Do not seek to see it.  YOU are robbing Faith of her sublime sweetness if you do this. 

Just know that all is well and that Faith, not seeing, but believing, is the barque that will bear you to safety, over the stormy waters. “According to your faith be it unto you” was My injunction to those who sought healing of Me. 

If for wonder-working, if for healing, if for salvation faith was so necessary then the reason is clear why I urged that all who sought entrance to My Kingdom must become as little children.  Faith is the child-attitude. 

Seek in every way to become child-like. Seek, seek, seek until you find, until the years have added to your nature that of the trusting child.  Not only for its simple trust must you copy the child-spirit, but for its joy in life, it’s ready laughter, its lack of criticism, its desire to share all with all men.  Ask much that you may become as little children, friendly and loving towards all — not critical, not fearful.  

“Except ye…become as little children ye cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”

And Jesus called a little child unto him…And said… Except
 ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall 
not enter into the kingdom of heaven.  Matthew 18:2,3

July 3 – Spiritual Fullness

Our Lord, we love Thee and desire to live for Thee in all things.

My children,  “Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.”  That is satisfaction.

Only in the fullness of spiritual things can the heartsick and faint and weary be satisfied, healed, and rested.  “Lord,” we cry, “to whom shall we go but to Thee.”  “Thou preparest the table before us.”  Bread of Life, Food from Heaven.

How few realize that the feeding of the four thousand and the five thousand was in each case but an illustration of the way in which I should one day be the Food of My people.

Think of the wonder of revelation still to be seen by those who live with Me.  All these hundreds of years, and much of what I said and did is still mystery, much of My Life on earth is still spiritually unexplored country.  Only to the simple and loving heart that walks with me can these things be revealed.  I have carefully hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them unto babes.

Do not weigh your spirits down with the sins and sorrows of the world.  Only a Christ can do that and live.  Look for the loving, the true, the kindly, the brave in the many all around you.

As the heart panteth after the water brooks, 
so panteth my soul after thee, O God.  Psalm 42:1

July 4 — Friend of Mine

What man calls conversion is often only the discovery of the Great Friend.  What man calls religion is the knowledge of the Great Friend.  What man calls holiness is the imitation of the Great Friend

Perfection, that perfection I enjoined on all, the being perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect, is the being like the Great Friend and in turn becoming to others a Great Friend too

I am your Friend.  Think again of all that means — Friend and Savior.  A friend is ready to help, anticipating every want, hand outstretched to help and encourage, or to ward off danger, voice of tenderness to soothe tired nerves and speak peace to restlessness and fear.

Think of what, to you, your friend is and then from that, try to see a little of what the Perfect Friend, the tireless, self-less, all-conquering, all miracle-working Friend would be.  That Friend, and more even than your heart can imagine, that Friend am I.

Were I to read My Kingdom — My Kingdom of the Child Hearts — the doctrines of your churches, so often there would be no response.  But the simple rules I gave My followers are known, loved, and lived by them all.

In all things seek simplicity. 

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly; 
and there is a friend that sticketh closer than 
a brother.  Proverbs 18:24

July 5 – You Are Invincible

I am with you all the time controlling, blessing, and helping you.  No man or woman can stand against My Will for you.  A whole world of men and women cannot do this — if you trust Me and place your affairs in My Hands.

To the passenger it may seem as if each wave would overwhelm the ship, or turn it aside from its course.  The captain knows by experience that, in spite of wind and wave, he steers a straight course to the haven where he would be.

So trust Me, the Captain of your salvation.

And he shall deliver their kings into thine hand, and thou shalt 
destroy their name from under heaven; there shall no man 
be able to stand before thee.  Deuteronomy 7:24

July 6 – Riches

Never let yourselves think “we cannot afford this,” or “shall never be able to do that.”  Say “the supply for it is not here yet, but it will come if we should have it.  It will surely come.”

Persevere in saying that and gradually a feeling of being plentifully supplied and of being surrounded by riches will possess you.  That feeling is your faith claiming My Supply, and according to your faith it shall be unto you.

But it is not the faith expressed in moments of prayer and exaltation I look for but the faith that lays immediately to rest the doubts of the day as they arise, that attacks and conquers the sense of limitation.

“Ask and ye shall receive.”

Wealth and riches shall be in his house:  and his
righteousness endureth for ever.  Psalm 112:3

July 7 – Painful Preparation

Help and peace and joy are here.  Your courage will be rewarded.

Painful as this time is you will both one day see the reason of it, and see too that it was not cruel testing, but tender preparation for the wonderful life-work you are both to do.

Try to realize that your own prayers are being most wonderfully answered. Answered in a way that seems painful to you, but that just now is the only way.

Success in the temporal world would not satisfy you.

Great success, in both temporal and spiritual worlds, awaits you.

I know you will see this had to be.

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try 
you, … But rejoice, in as much as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings.
1 Peter 4:12

July 8 – My Secret

You are being guided but remember that I said “I will guide thee with Mine Eye.”

And My Eye is My set purpose — My Will.

To guide with My Will is to bring all your desires into one-ness with My Will, My desires.

To make My will your only will.  then My will guides you.

Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of
 him that sent me, and to finish his work.  John 4:34

July 9 – Why Doubt?

Joy in Me. Joy is infectious. Trust and pray. It is not sin for one who knows Me only as God, as Creator, to doubt Me, to question my Love and purposes.

But for one who knows Me as you do, as Friend and Savior, and who knows the world’s God as Father — for that one to doubt My purpose and saving Power and tender Love is wrong indeed.

But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice; let them 
ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them; 
let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.  Psalm 5:11

July 10 – Expect Many Miracles

My guardianship is so wonderful.

Expect not one miracle but many.

Each day’s happenings, if of My working, and under My control, are miracle-works.

This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, 
and manifest forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.  John 2:11

July 11 – Guardian Angels

You are Mine.  Once I have set on you My stamp and seal of ownership all My Hosts throng to serve and protect you.

Remember that you are daughters of a King.  

Try to picture a bodyguard of My servitors in the Unseen waiting, longing, efficient, to do all that is necessary for your well-being.

Feel this as you go through the day.  Feel this and all is well.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Psalm 139:14

July 12 – Savior and Savior

If you believe it is My Hand that has saved you, then you must believe that I am meaning to save you yet more, and to keep you in the way that you should go.

Even a human rescuer does not save a man from drowning only to place him in other deep and dangerous waters.  But rather to place him on dry land — and more — there to restore him to animation and health, and to see him to his home.

From this parable learn what I your Rescuer would do, and even more.  Is the Lord’s Hand shortened that it cannot perform and cannot save?

My cry on the cross of “It is finished” is My Cry of Salvation for the whole world.

I complete every task committed to Me. So trust and be not afraid.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun
 a good work in you will perform it until the 
day of Jesus Christ.  Philippians 1:6

July 13 — Expect the Good

Can you get the expectant attitude of faith?

Not waiting for the next evil to befall you but awaiting with a child’s joyful trust the next good in store?

So then faith cometh by hearing, and 
hearing by the word of God.  Romans 10:17

July 14 – True Success

Our Lord, we thank Thee that Thou hast kept us.

Rejoice indeed that you see My Hand in all the happenings and the keepings of the day.  Protected, the Israelites crossed the Red Sea; so are you protected in all things.

Rely on this and go forward.  You have now entered upon the stage of success.  You must not doubt this.  You must see this.  Beyond all doubt you must know it.  It is true.  It is sure.

There is no age in Eternal Life.  Have no pity for yourself, nothing but joy and gratitude.

These last few weeks have been the submerging before the consciousness of rescue.  Go forward now and conquer.  Go forward unafraid.

Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that 
have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.  Joshua 1:3

July 15 – Songs on the Way

Many of My disciples have had to stay on in the dark, alone and friendless.

They struggled on, singing as they went.

For you, too, there must be songs on the way.  Should I plant your feet on an insecure ladder?  Its supports may be out of your sight, hidden in my secret Place of the Most High, but if I have asked you to step on and up firmly — then surely have I secured your ladder.

Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; 
thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance.  Psalm 32:7

July 16 – Refuge 

Know My Divine Power. Trust in Me. Dwell in My Love. Laugh and trust. Laughter is a child’s faith in God and good. 

Seek safety in My Secret Place. 

You cannot be touched or harmed there. That is sure. 

Really feel as if you were in a strong Tower, strongly guarded, and against which nothing can prevail. 

For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion; 
in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me. Psalm 27:5

July 17 – Peace Be Still 

Rejoice, rejoice. I have much to teach you both. Think not that I withhold My Presence when I do not reveal more of My Truth to you. 

You are passing through a storm. Enough that I am with you to say “Peace be still,” to quiet both winds and waves. 

It was on the quiet mountain slopes that I taught My disciples the Truths of My Kingdom, not during the storm. So with you, the time of the mountain slopes will come, and you shall rest with Me and learn.

And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?
Then he arose, and 
rebuked the winds and the sea; and there
was a great calm. Matthew 8:26  

July 18 – Walk Humbly 

Fear of what others will say is want of trust in Me. This must not be. Convert all these difficulties into the purification of your characters. 

See yourselves as those around you see you, not as you wish to be, and walk very humbly with your God. 

I will set you on high because you have known My Name, but it must be a purified you to be so exalted.  

Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory, but in lowliness 
of mind let each esteem others better than themselves. Philippians 2:3

July 19 – Marvelous Happenings 

Our Lord, with hearts full of joy we thank Thee for Thy marvelous blessings showered on us today and every day. 

I am beside you. Follow in all things My Guiding. Marvels beyond all your imaginings are unfolding. I am your Guide. Joy in that thought. Your Guide and your Friend.

Remember that to Me a miracle is only a natural happening. To My disciples, to My chosen, a miracle is only a natural happening. But it is a natural happening operative through spiritual forces, and therefore the man who works and understands through the senses only, regards it as something contrary to Nature. 

My children, the children of My Kingdom are a peculiar people, set apart, different hopes, and aspirations, and motives, and sense of reward.  

You see a marvelous happening (as that today), happening so easily, so simply, so free from all other agency, and you wonder.  

My children, listen, this has not happened easily and simply. It has been achieved by hours, days, months of weariness and heartache battled against and overcome, by a steadfast, unflinching desire to conquer self, and to do My Will and live My teachings.  

The frets and the worries and the scorn patiently borne mean spiritual Power acquired, operating marvelously. 

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1  

July 20 – My Standard 

Carry out My Commands and leave the result to Me. Do this as obediently and faithfully as you would expect a child to follow out a given rule in the working of a sum, with no question but that, if the working out is done according to commands, the result will be right. 

Remember that the commands I have given you have been already worked out by Me in the Spirit World to produce in your case, and in your circumstances, the required result. So follow My rules faithfully. 

Realize that herein lies the perfection of Divine Guidance. To follow a rule, laid down, even by earth’s wisest, might lead to disaster. 

The knowledge of your individual life and character, capability, circumstances, and temptations must be, to some extent, lacking, but to follow My direct Guidance means to carry out instructions given with a full knowledge of you and the required result. 

Each individual was meant to walk with Me in this way, to act under Divine control, strengthened by Divine Power. 

Have I not taught you to love simplicity? No matter what the world may think, earth’s aims and intrigues are not for you. Oh! My children, learn of Me. Simplicity brings rest. True rest and Power. 

To the world foolishness, maybe, but to Me a foretaste of Divinity. Never be led by the world’s standard. My Standard only is for you.

But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through
his subtlety, so your minds 
should be corrupted from the simplicity
that is in Christ.       2 Corinthians 11:3  

July 21 – The Way of Praise 

I am teaching you both My Way of removing mountains. The way to remove mountains is the way of Praise. When a trouble comes think of all you have to be thankful for. Praise, praise, praise. 

Say “Thank you” all the time. This is the remover of mountains, your thankful hearts that praise. 

I will praise thee with my whole heart; before the gods
will I sing praise unto thee.
Psalm 138:1

July 22 – Miracle of The Ages 

Abide in Me. “The works that I do shall ye do also and greater works than these shall ye do because I go to My Father.” 

“Greater Works!” The blind received their sight, the lame walked, the lepers were cleansed, the poor had the Gospel preached to them. “And greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto My Father.” 

Wonder of the World! Miracle of the Ages! God’s Power manifest in believing man! God’s Power going out to bless, through the agency of the man actuated by the Holy Spirit. Arise from the grave of sickness, poverty, doubt, despondency, limitation. “Arise, shine for the Light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” 

A wonderful future is before you both. A future of unlimited power to bless others. Just be channels. Be used. Ask. Ask. “Ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you,” and unto those for whom you pray.

  Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit
of itself, except it abide 
in the vine, no more can
ye except ye abide in me. John 15:4  

July 23 – Stop All Work Until — 

Our Lord, grant us that wonderful inward Peace. 

My children that Peace does truly pass all understanding. That Peace no man taketh from you. No man has the power to disturb that Peace, but you yourselves can let the world and its worries and distractions in. 

You can give the entrance to fears and despondency. You can open the door to the robber who breaks in upon, and destroys, your peace. 

Set yourselves this task to allow nothing to disturb your peace, your heart calm with Me. Stop all work, stop all intercourse with others — until this is restored. Do not let those about you spoil your peace of heart and mind. Do not let anyone without, any trouble, any irritation, any adversity, disturb it for one moment. 

Look on each difficulty as training to enable you to acquire this peace. Every work, every interruption — set yourself to see that none of it touches the harmony of the real you, that is hid with Me in the Secret Place of the Father.

Great peace have they which love thy law:
and nothing shall offend them.
Psalm 119:165  

July 24 – Keep Close 

Our Lord, guide us. Show us Thy Will and Way in everything.

Keep close to Me and you shall know The Way because, as I said to My disciples, I am The Way. That is the solution to all earth’s problems. 

Keep close, very close to Me. Think, act, and live in My Presence. 

How dare any foe touch you, protected by Me! That is the secret of all Power, all Peace, all Purity, all influence, the keeping very near to Me. 

Abide in Me. Live in My Presence. Rejoice in My Love. Thank and Praise all the time. Wonders are unfolding. 

And He said, My presence shall go with thee,
and I will give thee rest.   Exodus 33:14  

July 25 – Wonderful Life 

I am your Lord. Lord of your lives, Controller of your days, your present and your future. Leave all plans to Me. Only act as I bid you. 

You have entered now, both of you, upon the God-guided life. Think what that means. God-taught, God-guided. 

Is anything too wonderful for such a life? Do you begin to see how wonderful life with Me can be? 

Do you see that no evil can befall you?  

A man’s heart deviseth his way; but the Lord directeth his steps. Proverbs 16:9

July 26 – Forget — Forgive 

Our Lord, we thank Thee for so much. We bless Thee and praise Thy Glorious Name. 

Fill your world with Love and laughter. Never mind what anguish lies behind you. 

Forget, forgive, love, and laugh. 

Treat all as you would treat Me, with Love and consideration. 

Let nothing that others do to you alter your treatment of them.

Forbearing one another; and forgiving one another,
if any man have a quarrel against any, even
as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.
Colossians 3:13  

July 27 – My Consolation 

Oh Jesus, come and walk with us and let us feel Thy very nearness. 

I walk with you. Oh! think, My children, not only to guide and comfort you and strengthen and uphold, but for solace and comfort for Myself. 

When a loving child is by you, is the nearness only that you may provide protection and help for that little one? 

Rather, too, that in that little child you may find joy and cheer and comfort in its simplicity, its Love, its trust. 

So, too, is it in your power to comfort and bring joy to My Heart.

And I will walk among you, and will be your God,
and ye shall be my people.
Leviticus 26:12  

July 28 – Mistakes 

I am your Shield. No buffets of the world can harm you. Feel that between you and all scorn and indignity is a strong shield. Practice feeling this until nothing has the power to spoil the inward peace. Then indeed a marvelous victory shall be won. 

You wonder sometimes why you are permitted to make mistakes in your choice when you sought so truly to do My Will in the matter. 

To that I say it was no mistake…. All your lessons cannot be learned without difficulty, and this was needed to teach you a lesson. Not to him who walks on, with no obstacles in his way, but to him that overcometh is the promise given. 

So to attain peace quickly in your surroundings, as well as in your hearts, learn your lesson quickly. And the overcoming is never the overcoming of the one who troubled you, but the overcoming of the weaknesses and wrong in your own nature, aroused by such a one. 

No lower standard than My Standard shall be yours. “Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.”

After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram
in a vision, saying:  
Fear not, Abram; I am thy shield
and thy exceeding great reward.
Genesis 15:1  

July 29 – Sunlit Glades 

Lord, bless us and this evening hour, and in Thy Mercy heal us all. 

Do not think that suffering is the only path into My Kingdom. There are sunlit glades, and ways amid the loveliest flowers, along which the steps and hearts of men are drawn to Me. There are birds and laughter and butterflies, and warm, life-giving summer air, and with these as tender companions and friends, the Joy-Way into the Kingdom can be taken. 

Bleak, cold, and desolate, brier-beset and stony, are not all the ways. Leave all to Me. The choice of ways, the guidance in the Way. But when the sunlight calls accept it gladly. 

Even in the Spirit-World appreciation results from contrary experience. Can the fireside of home be more dear than to the traveler who has forced his way over bleak moor and through blinding storm? Take to your hearts this word of cheer. “He will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able but will, with the temptation, also find a way of escape that ye may be able to bear it.” 

The world is not the Kingdom. In the world ye shall have tribulation but “be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Live with Me, the Conquering Christ, and the Joy and Peace of conquest shall be yours too.

And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us.
God is love; 
and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God,
and God in him.     1 John 4:16  

July 30 – Faith Rewarded 

Think much of My servants of old. How Abraham believed in the promise (when as yet he had no child) that in his seed all the nations of the earth should be blessed. 

How Moses led the Children of Israel through the desert, sure that, at last, they would gain the Promised Land. 

Down through the ages there have always been those who obeyed, not seeing but believing, and their Faith was rewarded. So shall it be even with you.

For what saith the scriptures? Abraham believed God 
and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Romans 4:3  

July 31 – Gratitude 

Give Me the gift of a brave and thankful heart. 

Man proves his greatness by his power to see causes for thankfulness in his life. 

When life seems hard, and troubles crowd, then very definitely look for causes for thankfulness.

The sacrifice, the offering of thanksgiving, is indeed a sweet incense going up to Me through the busy day. Seek diligently for the something to be glad and thankful about in every happening, and soon no search will be required. 

The causes for joy and gratitude will spring to greet your loving hearts.

As the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound 
to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord. 2 Chronicles 5:13

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