It’s important to know, everything God says is a promise. He made that promise to us, and all we have to do is believe — The One Who never lies. That should be simple right? But, it’s often easier said than done. This is because, God is doing the leading and we can’t always see what’s going on. And furthermore, we have an active, personal and busy enemy (Satan) that adds doubtful scenarios in our path.
Since God the Father of all things, made the promise; it’s His job to keep it. Our only job is to believe, to do that, we must remove all thoughts of doubt. Doubting God is the most unproductive thing to do — in all of life. Trust God and keep going! That’s what everyone who walked with God had to do. “Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” – John 20:29 That’s you and everyone else that believes God over circumstances. It’s a must for every believer to practice trust and believe God has the best plan possible for you.
All Things Are Possible To Those Who Believe – Mark 9:23
What cause have you to fear? Has God not cared for and protected you? Hope on. Hope gladly. Hope with certainty. Be calm, calm in His Power. God bless you and yours brothers and sisters!
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